Sunday, May 3, 2009

Occupational Safety & Health

Greetings to all my current students and x students... Finally I have decided to talk about OSH in the open. Whatever the consequences I will focus on the way we should participate in the sharing of resources. I would prefer to perform a mentor mentee relationship. ....

So let us start by getting your response on my desire to start OSH Blogging???


  1. salam haji..
    keep up while blogging.. klu nnti ada komen² pedas dr pembaca tu layan je.. skang ni dlm OSH ada mcm² "manusia" dah..
    Tuan boleh syer pendapat peribadi tuan berkaitan OSH di malaysia pada hari ini.. dr segi practitioner, authority, Act, implementation etc..

    Insyaallah, sy akan mengikuti blog hj ni..


  2. Tahniah ..... hopefully another educational forum on OSH....

    Mahmood @ yemen

  3. Kongsi-kongsi la maklumat pasal OSH.
    sy nih bdk baru belajar.

  4. saya pun nak blajar jugak..banyak xtau ni..

  5. congrat for the blog,... saya selalu buka blog politik ... bagusla kalau dah ada blog nih ...

    saya pun nak menghebatkan lagi pengetahuan dalam safety,... baru2 nih kantoi interview ... :-(

  6. salam..i need ur help..can u help me brief a bit about safety in plantation..tq

  7. another great idea from this blog thanks
